A. Stucki’s Seco Machine featured in Progressive Railroading January Issue

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Digital technology, including entering data on a tablet for accuracy and speed, is critical to the Seco Machine’s final axle inspection process.

Computer numerical control (CNC) machining and digital data collection help Seco Machine, a subsidiary of A. Stucki Co., achieve optimal axle inspection results. Seco Machine specializes in machining for the rail industry and other markets.

Seco begins the inspection process by probing inside the CNC machine and examining the length, diameter and straightness of an axle to ensure it can be reconditioned.

“We collect data digitally using tablets and digital forms,” Mark Hiszem, engineering manager at Seco Machine, said in an email. “This eliminates paper, improves legibility and speeds up the inspection process.”

Digital snap gauges, which indicate if a part falls within accepted tolerances, are used for faster and more accurate inspection results.

Seco takes a macro approach to adhering to AAR tolerance ranges, Hiszem said.

“The objective, of course, is to hold tighter tolerances,” he said. “Shrinking tolerance ranges increases the life cycle of the axles and allows for additional reconditioning opportunities.”

Tighter control on the axle surface finish minimizes the occurrence of misfits when the wheels are eventually mounted, he added.

Article courtesy of www.progressiverailroading.com

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